Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dear ___ Essay Example For Students

Dear ___: Essay Im very sorry for being late to class today. I cannot believe what I justdid. It was amazing! To tell you the truth, I just came back from anothergalaxy with some aliens who are from ?Star Cluster. Actually, I shouldnot tell you about it, but today was just so special that I have to tellyou. I became a hero by saving the whole solar system. Even though it is along story, I will still retell it, because you will be famous in the nearfuture for you are my teacher and have known me for a long time. Ok, letsget to the point. This morning, I woke up as usual at 4 oclock, human time. Then I checkedthe whole solar system if there were any bad aliens around. All of asudden, I found that there was a small point moving towards the sun. Thus,I sent a message to my friend who was in Mercury. They immediately sent amessage back to me. The message said that it was a star warship fromanother galaxy, and that they wanted to possess the sun as well as thewhole human race. I thought that they might be crazy. In the whole universeeveryone knows that I am the chairman this year and have the power tocontrol our solar system. Then, I realigned the solar system safe and awayfrom the possibility of a star war. I decided to have a meeting with theenemy. Therefore, I flew to Mercury. After 1 hour, human time. We held themeeting in Mercury. The meeting was not going very well and in the end theystill wanted to conquer the solar system even though I offered the ourenergy resources for free. Finally, I made a big decision. I dec ided tohave a war once and for all. The rules are if they can beat us, they couldhave the power and we will obey them. If not, they must leave our solarsystem. The war was held in a place full of machines: That was a virtualenvironment where we use real guns, knives and bombs. We were known as theCT team and were the T team. There was a nuclear arms storehouse in Mercuryand they were required to find it and use the C4 bomb to destroy it whileour team had to try to stop them by killing them all before they destroyedthe storehouse. 5 minutes later, the war started and I had chosen a verychallenging site for the war known as Dust 2. We were in a scrap factorywhich way in started form under a bridge opening. Time passed quickly. Ourteam lost 9 teammates, which meant that I was the only one left. When Ichecked my microcomputer which was in my glasses, I found that they stillhad 5 members left. That was bad news for me. How can I kill 5 enemies?Actually, I did in the end. I used a grenade and killed 2 enemies who wereguarding the back of a big gate. Then, I sniped two enemies at one time,because they were standing in a straight line in front of me. At last, whenI tried to kill the last enemy who was in front of me, I found that I hadfreshed out of all my bullets. All of sudden, I remembered that there was aknife at the side of leg. My left hand instinctively found it and threw ittowards my enemys head. He died of course and the war ended. We then allgot out of the virtual environment. We had won! I killed all the enemiesand they were defeated. After 5 minutes, human time, our enemies left. Oh,I really felt very tired at that time, but I felt happy inside. I saved oursolar system and all the other planets. After a while, the previouschairman of the universe sent a message to me. He congratulated me and saidthat he will support me to be the chairman 400 years latter. I then repliedsaying thank you. (See! I am so polite.) All the planets in our solarsystem wanted to ce lebrate, but I said, Sorry, I still have English Classlater and Miss Albert is waiting for me. Actually, I should not say thatto them, because I know that they will fell upset. However, I have toattend my English Class, otherwise,

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