Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Movie `` Precious `` - 1033 Words

In Chapter 5 of the textbook, it states â€Å"child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and/ or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development of dignity in the context of a responsibility, trust, or power† ( Pg. 130). The movie â€Å"Precious†, which is an adaptation of the novel â€Å"Push† by Sapphire, touches on every aspect of this definition of child abuse, and although this is a movie, unfortunately it is a reality for 6 million children in America. Any part of this movie at any given time can relate to any aspect of child abuse, but I have chosen specific parts for specific examples. From the very beginning of the movie, anyone can see the abuse that was going on, but the first line that stuck in my mind for a long time after the scene was gone is when Precious started the new alternative school and when asked to state her name and something about herself she replied,† I have never spoken in class before†. She was then asked by her teacher how that made her feel and she said, â€Å"this class makes me feel, here†. That statement in itself sums up one of the major effects of child abuse. Precious at 16, has never felt loved and this in turn has affected her emotional and psychological health. For someone to say that they feel, â€Å"here†, it’s like them saying that they suddenly feel present, visible and that they suddenlyShow MoreRelatedThe Movie `` Precious ``966 Words   |  4 Pages How often is it that you watch a movie and you feel uneasy or sad but the movie is actually a good movie; award winning good? Precious is one of the only movies that makes me feel that way no matter how many times I watch it. The movie Precious was actually a bestselling novel written by Ramona Lofton also known as Sapphire; in 1996; then directed i nto a movie by Lee Daniels in 2009. The movie takes place in Harlem, 1987 it is about an overweight, abused, illiterate teen who is pregnant with herRead MorePrecious Movie Paper821 Words   |  4 PagesPrecious Hollywood has never understood the real meaning of poverty, culture class, deviance, or sexual orientation until a director, Lee Daniels, had read the book â€Å"Push†, by Saphire, which the movie is an exact replicate of the book. When I had first seen the movie, I was very astonished at all the cursing and abuse that they had shown, I was also amazed that the director Lee Daniels, went over the line to show how hard it actually is to be a poor, young 16-year-old, African AmericanRead MorePrecious Movie Analysis713 Words   |  3 PagesIn the film Precious discuses a lot of maltreatment and physical abuse. This movie is by far one of the worse because it deals with mistreatment and negative talk on an innocent teenager who wants to be all that she can be, but she is insulted and told differently. There is a lot of drugs being used in the home and just plain out disrespect. Claireece â€Å"Precious† Jones who is 16 years old grew up in Harlem during the late 1980s. All of the poor and dirty crime that happens, none of which affects PreciousRead MorePrecious Movie Analysis1212 Words   |  5 PagesPrecious is a movie that was produced based off a book. The movie was a story about a 16-year-old girl Claireece â€Å"Precious† Jones who was abused by her family emotionally, physically, mentally, and sexually. (Magness, Siegel-Magness, Daniels, 2009) Taking at a look at this from a social worker perspective one can look at how to address the situation and how one work with a potential client like Precious. The film addresses many issues that a client may come across including the micro, mezzo, andRead MorePrecious Movie Analysis2149 Words   |  9 PagesPersonal Response to the film â€Å"Precious† â€Å"Precious† is a film about a Harlem teen of the same name’s attempts of escape from her abusive mother and lustful father in order to live a new life and have a brighter future. The movie, in spite of clichà © and problems with the plot, managed to win the viewers’ heart and took them up for an empathic and compassionate adventure of Precious, a 16-year-old teen who is slowly transforming into a mature and independent young woman. Coupled with a decent directorRead MoreTaking a look at the Movie Precious652 Words   |  3 PagesThe movie Precious is revolves heavily on the severe outcomes of life and how the sever sufferings that some suffer can really effect one’s mental status. The main character of the movie is Claireece Precious Jones, referred to as Precious, a 16-year-old girl who has lived through a life of abuses with her abusive mother Monique and step father Rodney; suffering at a very young age from both her parents. In the movie, Pre cious lives in a ghetto in Harlem New York surviving on welfare from anRead MoreFilm Analysis Of The Movie Precious2252 Words   |  10 PagesIntroduction The movie Precious is based on the adaptation of the book Push written by Sapphire. Though the story is a fiction based life of Claireece Precious Jones it is far from reality for many young women. Growing up in an environment that is filled with emotional, verbal, physical and sexual abuse along with crime infested neighborhoods and overcrowded public school and many other factors that pose a lot of challenges for a young girl in the inner city. Though the odd is against Precious she provesRead MoreThroughout The Movie Precious, There Are Several Times836 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout the movie Precious, there are several times when the audience witnesses trauma and its effect on Precious’ life. These traumatizing events include sexual abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, and emotional abuse. When people go through these events, their mind will find ways to cope with their situation. These coping mechanisms are depersonalization, derealization, detachment, and dissociati on. Depersonalization is defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5Read MoreEssay about Precious Movie Review1310 Words   |  6 PagesPrecious Summary The film Precious directed by Lee Daniels is a solemn movie dealing with the unfortunate truths of everyday life for some individuals. The film staring Gabourey Sidibe who plays the main character Clarice â€Å"Precious† Jones along with co-stars Mariah Carey and Leni Kravitz is based in the Ghetto of Harlem in the year of 1987. Precious is a sixteen year-old illiterate morbidly obese teenager whom has grown up in the Ghetto of Harlem in a dysfunctional family. Her mother Mary verballyRead MoreCulture in Urban Schools - Paper on the Movie Precious1468 Words   |  6 PagesFinal Exam Directions: Choose movie from the list below to answer the following questions. Answer the questions within the framework of the Culture in Urban in Schools 3306 class. Each question is 20 points each. Suggested Movies or Books: Slumdog Millionaire CRASH Freedom Writers The Secret Lives of Bees Save the Last Dance To Kill a Mockingbird Precious Name of Movie: _____________________Precious___________________ 1. Describe the movie/book setting by using Sociocultural

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